Day 12: Something you never get compliments on

The one thing I don't get compliments on is my TOES!  But really who does?  Most people think toes are ugly or gross.  Well I happen to think that my toes are cute!  You heard me right.  I have "webbed" toes, my 2 toes next to my big one are webbed together a little more than halfway up. 

 I remember when I was little I went to the Dr. to see if I needed to do surgery on them in case it would be problems as I grew.  I remember the Dr saying that the only reason why they would need too was for cosmetic reasons, that it wouldn't cause me any problems as I grew so the choice was up to me.  I was little and I was so scared to have surgery cause I thought everyone that had surgery died.  So I told them that I didn't want to have it done. 

I actually am very glad that I didn't.  I really like them, I know weird.  It is a part of me and I don't want to change who I am. 
Now other peoples feet are UGLY to me!  So don't get me wrong they are gross, Except for my feet. They are pretty Awesome!

If your lucky I will post a picture of what I mean...  I actually am pretty sure that after I make them all Pretty (nail polish) I will take a picture.

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