Yesterday I was busy starting to clean up the house, after I had done some work on the computer. I was in "trashy" clothes (of course), when I got a call from the school.
The conversation went a little like this.....
"Hi, is this Mrs. Harward"
"Yes it is"
"This is Mrs. ? from Mt. Mahogany, and I have Dallas here with a scratch
on his ear that we can't get to close."
"OK, I will head over"
So I got Samantha (who was still in her pj's and hair undone) and proceeded to the school.
I go in and they told me that he was in the nurses room. I go into there and see Dallas sitting on the "bed" holding a tissue to his ear. I ask him what happened and he said "It just started to bleed". I am thinking OK, they called me for a stupid scratch that he scratched himself and now it is bleeding a little. I told him to let me see and he removed his hand. I WAS SHOCKED AT WHAT I SAW!!!! It wasn't a "scratch" at all but a huge cut on the top of his ear. It had looked as though someone took scissors to his ear and cut it open. It was disgusting. Plus you could see all the cartilage in his ear. It needed stitches for sure!
We went to the classroom to get his backpack. Got the kids in the car and buckled and immediately started to call my Dr. to see if I could bring him right in. It just kept going to a busy signal. I tried the entire way to the Dr. and nothing. It was only a few miles away but I wanted to let them know we were coming. We ended up getting to the office with no luck getting a hold of them. Luckily they put us on the schedule. We had to wait a little while getting weird looks from other patients, because Dallas had a bloody head and a bloody shirt. Finally we went in and the nurse immediately cleaned it.
Dallas has had stitches before (from a bad dog bite) so he knew what to expect but he was still freaking out. Just the dabbing of the cleaning was hurting his ear. The Dr. then came in and looked at it. He said they would have to not only stitch it but stitch it up in the inside as well. Dr. Hafen then put some type of numbing stuff on his ear just to start the numbing process. Minutes later (I was counting) he came back in and started the process of putting in the stitches. First came the "real" numbing SHOT! He was already freaking out and so this didn't help. He just kept crying and screaming saying he wants to go home NOW. I had to keep reassuring him that we had to do it no matter what. It was SO hard watching him. Then the Dr. pulled out the stitches. The numbing shot didn't work like it should have so it was painful for him. More painful then the inside stitches. More and more screaming from Dallas, but with all that the Dr. got it to close up with 4 stitches on the inside and 3 on the out. I am hoping it heals well and he doesn't have too big of a scar. The Dr. did say that there was a chunk missing from his ear. He kept asking Dallas what had happened but all Dallas would say is "I don't remember". I tried and tried to get him to "remember", so we knew what we were dealing with but his answer never changed. I don't know if he really forgot or he didn't want him or someone else to get into trouble. So I left it at that.
We went to pick up Samantaha (Chad's mom came and picked her up from the Dr.
(THANKS) and sat for a while to let the kids play for a minute with their cousins.
We then headed home because the other kids were going to be home from school. We got there just as the bus had dropped them off (I love having a bus). They came running up to Dallas all concerned. One of the kids (don't remember which one) had got a treat from school and instead of keeping it for themselves they gave it to Dallas. I guess I have done something right. Actually I am pretty sure it was Savanah cause they were celebrating Summer Birthdays that day. She is the only one with a Summer Birthday. I then asked if either of them had seen what happened. Savanah said she did. She said that someone was trying to give Dallas a hug and he was trying to get away and ran into the door. I just couldn't see how that would have caused a big gash on his ear. A minute later Savanah said "I saw Dallas at recess and tried to give him a hug but he wouldn't let me". I put 2 and 2 together and asked if she was that person she was telling me about. All the sudden Dallas remembered and YES it was Savanah. So I had Dallas and Dakota go to the school with me so I could see how he had done it. I just need to know exactly how it had happened.
So here is the story:
Savanah saw Dallas going out to recess and if you know Savanah
Hopefully from now on Dallas will just let her sister give him a hug so we don't have any more injuries!
I am not mad at them at ALL. I know that it was an accident because they were doing what kids do
I know Savanah felt bad knowing she was the one that caused it. She didn't know that it was the reason though until she got home cause she ran off right after so she didn't see the blood or the cut.
I am glad it wasn't worse even though it did make my stomach turn. It was so gross....
Enjoy the pictures! HA HA
Its not the best picture but can you see the pieces of Cartilage?
He has some numbing medicine on it so its hard to see.
This is the Culprit! |